The DKM Methodology and the experience of the firm in the construction of winning teams are within reach of the professional clubs through our Consulting service.
For both the directives and the technical bodies themselves, an OBJECTIVE AND EXTERNAL EVALUATION of the team’s sports performance is a novel concept of undoubted added value.
With DKM, the DIRECTIVES now have a method of scientific evaluation, external and objective, thanks to which they can make decisions in their field of sports management, based on something more than results and classification of equipment.
The TECHNICAL BODIES find a powerful ally in the metrics that the DKM Scoreboard puts at your fingertips (different from the conventional ones) and in the alternatives that the DKM Methodology can propose, as a complement to your training sessions.

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The DKM Consulting service focuses on four strategic fields that ultimately determine team performance:
  • Collective Performance
  • Individual performance
  • Physical health status of the group and availability of staff
  • Psychological health status and clothing climate
The DKM ALGORITHMIC MODEL, integrated within the Control Panel, collects different metrics in relation to these four aspects, crossing them to obtain a global picture that shows the true potential of the equipment, beyond the result and the classification.
Based on the indicators expressed in the scorecard and the observation of matches and training, DKM analyzes and determines the CAUSES of the metrics that express weakness, through a qualitative report that contributes a substantial added value to the directive and to the technical body.
The DKM Consulting service is complemented by the presentation of an ACTION PLAN, based on the DKM Training Methodology, which proposes concrete measures to improve individual and collective parameters, which in turn have a direct impact on the positive recovery of performance indicators expressed in the scorecard.
The good health of these parameters is undoubtedly the most direct route to winning results and classifications that meet the established objectives, in the line of success that followed Fernando Daucik at the head of his teams.

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